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Top 7 Reasons To Consider Electrical Engineering As A Career in 2021

Sandip University
Top 7 Reasons To Consider Electrical Engineering As A Career in 2021

Can you imagine a world without the use of electricity? Electricity is undoubtedly one of the best inventions of humankind, and it is now almost impossible to spend even a few hours without using electricity. Hence, there is a lot of scope for professionals holding an electrical engineering degree from a top engineering college in India. Electrical engineering is a promising career option for young professionals as there are literally thousands of job opportunities available in the field. You can literally work in any field that uses electricity, right from government organisations to private IT sector firms. 

Top 7 Reasons To Choose Electrical Engineering As Career In 2021:

1. Global Career Opportunities

Electrical engineering is such a versatile career that you can literally work anywhere in the world after acquiring a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering. Since the guiding principles of electrical applications, mathematics, and physics are constant, your degree will be accepted by most top global companies. There is a lot of demand for qualified and skilled electrical engineers by countries across the globe.

2. Lucrative Starting Salaries

Electrical engineers are paid handsomely not just in the later stages of their career, but also in the initial stages as a fresher with limited work experience. Since this is such a hands-on field, there is a scope for freshers to be recruited by multinational companies and be trained on the job as per their needs and specifications. This helps you gain work experience as a fresher with a well-paying job, and also add to your set of skills which will help you gain a higher salary later in your career. 

3. Never-Ending Demand for Professionals

The tech industry is expanding by the minute, and there is always going to be a high demand for skilled electrical engineers who hold a B Tech in Electrical Engineering degree. Over the last few years the global markets have seen a steep rise in the demand for electrical engineers, and there is a projection for increased demand in the coming years as well. With this qualification and the right skills you will never be out of a job.

4. Tremendous Scope for Career Growth

A lot of companies provide some level of skill-oriented training to newly recruited electrical engineers, so you will always have a scope for skill development, which will in turn help your career growth as you progress in the industry. After gaining a few years of work experience, you can also choose to pursue an M Tech in Electrical Engineering to gain a higher qualification and more refined skills which will take your career to the next level.

5. Hands-On Job 

Electrical engineering is a very hands-on job which will leave no room for boredom or the possibility of a desk job. There will always be scope for innovation on the job which will require you to develop analytical and problem solving skills to work effectively in the industry. Electrical engineering is a very challenging job and if you are someone who does not enjoy being stuck behind a desk, then this is the right career for you.

6. Recession-Proof Career

Electrical engineers will always be in demand, irrespective of the situation. Even when the COVID-19 pandemic forced the world into a global lockdown, electrical engineers had to work hard to ensure that people had electricity in their homes, uninterrupted Wi-Fi service to continue working from home, and the smooth functioning of healthcare facilities to ensure deployment of adequate medical care. Hence, it can be safely said that electrical engineering is a fairly recession-proof career option.

7. Multi-Specialisation Career Option

Electrical engineering is a multidimensional career option. While pursuing electrical engineering you can further enhance your portfolio into including relevant specialisations that can help you gain better career opportunities. You can also pursue Power Engineering, Microelectronics, Telecommunications, or Radio-Frequency Engineering, to name a few options. Having multiple specialisations pertaining to electrical engineering will always open up more diverse career opportunities for you across sectors.


It has been a general misconception that electrical engineering is not a happening career option. The above pointers clearly state why electrical engineering is one of the best career options you can pursue in 2021. You can pursue an engineering degree from one of the best B Tech Electrical Engineering colleges in Nashik, Maharashtra to gain a better leverage in the industry over your peers. These colleges have a great infrastructure with high-tech labs to help you gain hands-on skills and academic knowledge to make it in the industry. Good luck!

Sandip University
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