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5 Tips to Enhance Field Team Productivity with Flooring Software

Avee Mittal
5 Tips to Enhance Field Team Productivity with Flooring Software

A business is as successful as satisfied its customers or clients are. Many factors lead to customer satisfaction, but when it comes to field services, one of the key factors that impact the quotient of customer satisfaction is how prompt and efficient is the service delivery. To meet this expectation of the customers, field service businesses, like flooring businesses need to work towards improving the operational efficiency and productivity of their team.

Can flooring business software help in improving the operational efficiency and productivity of your team? Can it make your team collaborate and work together in a better way to overcome the challenge of delayed service? Can it empower and equip your team to deliver a better customer experience? The answer to all is 'Yes.'

Let's see how flooring business management software enhances field team productivity:

1. Assign your servicemen jobs at proximity, so that they don't have to waste time traveling on roads: A

customer who has requested service doesn't want to be kept waiting. A customer won't mind if the servicing time gets a bit long, but if the service agent gets late in arriving at the customer location, then that's a turnoff.

Flooring business software facilitates the early arrival of field agents through effective job scheduling and route mapping. The automation enabled features of the software, categorize the service calls and assign the job to the nearest available field agent.

Having the job destination at proximity ensures the timely arrival of the field agent. This can be further accentuated with the help of route mapping that shares the shortest and safest route with the field agent and thus, he can reach the destination on time by overcoming time delays because of long routes and traffic jams.

2. Empower your service team to deliver services promptly:

Businesses need to identify the bottlenecks in the business processes that lead to productivity leaks among the servicemen. Manual processes, repetitive mundane tasks, dependency on others, are the major productivity leaks in field services. Automation is the solution for all these. Flooring business software is an all-in-one tool to harness the power of automation and gain more efficiency in the overall service process.

Starting from job scheduling, monitoring, employee performance analysis, data sharing, and managing, payment, and invoice, every aspect of a service cycle can be automated partially or completely. This improves the productivity of the team members by giving them the time to focus on their prime job roles, rather than getting engaged with supportive tasks.

3. Support your workforce productivity by facilitating real-time access to the knowledge base:

Once the field agent is at the client's location, the customer expects faster services. To accomplish this, the field agents need to have certain details at their fingertips. For this, the service team must have real-time access to the enterprise knowledge base. This will keep the serviceman handy with information like customer details, service history, customer agreement, price quotation details, and all other information. Thus, no time gets wasted in making phone calls to the back office. In a way, the software makes the field service man completely equipped with all the necessary information required for prompt execution of services.

The software is also useful in equipping the field agent with the right tools and parts. The software sends automated reminders and notifications to the field agents timely informing them about their schedules as well as the tools and material they need to carry along to render the service efficiently. There is no dependency on others and no scope of miscommunication.

4. Make your service team more capable of customer engagement: Customer

engagement also leads to customer satisfaction as that way they stay more connected to your brand. Although flooring business software is not an exclusive customer engagement tool, some of its key features lead to a good degree of customer engagement.

For instance, the route map of the field agent can be shared with the customers as well, so they can track the location/movement of the agent. Then, customers can be provided with automated workflow updates which keep them notified about the advances in their service request. Also, reminders of upcoming service requirements can be sent to them.

5. Along with service team productivity, also focus on customer convenience:

Customer experience also gets determined by the degree of convenience offered to the client during the complete service cycle. Live tracking the arrival of the field agent, on-site payment settlement and invoice generation, easy feedback process, trusted advice to avoid upcoming issues, etc. all these features of the flooring software make a client feel more comfortable with services.

Final thoughts

The key determinant of a successful business is its satisfied customers. When you succeed to satisfy your customers to such a degree that they start coming back to you, start preferring you over others, start recommending you to friends and family, then you can affirm that yours is a successful business. Needless to say that such success will get instantly followed by profit. Thus, the objective of a business should be to earn satisfied customers. Team productivity is the pillar to customer satisfaction, and flooring software is the vehicle to drive productivity in a service team.

Avee Mittal
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