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Define DM in Hindi in detail

Furniture Boutiq
Define DM in Hindi in detail
What is DM in Hindi?
DM full Form District Magistrate is also the Chief Officer and Administrative and Revenue Officer of the entire district who has the right to work all the work of the entire district and is also the officer of all the officers. DM in Hindi serves in the entire district and provides security arrangements. He also holds the responsibility, which is also called the head of the district.
Friends, if you talk about the salary of DM, then the monthly salary of DM is between 75000 thousand to 1.5 lakhs, their salary is every month because DM is an IAS Officer, hence DM's salary also comes under this and in addition to salary. Also, DM gets a lot of facilities DM salary comes under senior service, they have private accommodation and a private car, and many such facilities which DM continues to benefit from.
Furniture Boutiq
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