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All about Knitting and Crochet Yarns

Cassa Imperia
All about Knitting and Crochet Yarns

Some large companies also use it in industrial sectors, such as the automobile, synthetic industry, and filtration. According to the recent statistics of the Asian Non-woven Materials Association (ANFA)*, acupuncture still accounts for 25.6% of the total production of non-woven materials. Ranking second among the four major nonwoven material producing countries in Asia. In South Korea, needle-punched nonwoven products account for 35.7% of the value. The overall growth rate of non-woven products of 5.0%, with the annual growth rate of acupuncture products. Japan is 2.7%. Compared with the overall growth rate of non-woven products in Taiwan, the growth rate of acupuncture products is 3.7%, which is higher than the average level. In China, the growth rate of acupuncture products i.e Knitting & Crochet Yarns is low compared to other products.

Cassa Imperia
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