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CrowdPoint Technologies, the Blockchain Ecosystem, and the future of privacy!

Simona Balinisteanu
CrowdPoint Technologies, the Blockchain Ecosystem, and the future of privacy!

CrowdPoint Technologies is here to defend your right to privacy and ownership over your own Human Identity. If anyone should profit from your personal data and identity, that should be YOU first and foremost!

Democratize Big Data, Defend and Deliver dividends to you, for your Human Identity - it's the Blockchain Ecosystem's mission. At the same time, it's creating a new business model and a sharing economy, where everyone can thrive in prosperity and achieve wealth freedom, not just the few.

Improved value for all, not just the few!

The Blockchain Ecosystem is designed to level the playing field between Wall Street and Main Street, and to restore hope and prosperity to small businesses and entrepreneurs.

See here how you can benefit from the next wave of technology, the Blockchain! 

Simona Balinisteanu
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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