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Free email templates for Gmail, How to create email templates in gmail free

Free email templates for Gmail, How to create email templates in gmail free

Everyone in today's Gmail Tutorial, I wanted to show you how to create email templates or canned responses inside of your Gmail accounts.

It's a really simple process but you do have to turn it on first it's not there by default. So go ahead and login to the Gmail account where you want to create this and I’ll show you a couple of useful options why you would use something like this in a second but go to this gear icon it doesn’t matter which tab you're on this should be your settings right here click it and go to settings right here that’s the option you want to go to and inside of settings used to be on there tabs but now it's inside advanced go to this tab called advanced and there's bunch of Advanced Options.

Here but the one we're looking for is called templates look for that one and you need to turn this on if it’s disabled. You won't show off where we need it to. So go ahead and click that now it's turned on but we have to also press save or nothing happens so Save Changes.

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