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How to use mailwizz template

How to use mailwizz template

Hi everyone! How are you? in this article I want to show you how to create free premium HTML email templates and use within MailWizz mailing application.

So you can send awesome email templates with your campaign.

Now you have an email marketing system as we explained in my courses and tutorials. You installed MailWizz and you want to send an email marketing campaign but you want an awesome template.

So customers or your followers will really get engaged with this awesome email template.

How to create a free template? a free awesome template and use within MailWizz mailing application.


Let's go to my screen and see how things is really super easy. We can see here, I am inside MailWizz and I am here in my gallery and you can see it's empty, we have an option to upload a template, so from where we can get free email templates? Simply go to a website called beefree.io.



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