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Swaraj 735 Tractor - Best Farming Tractor In India

Aman Khandelwal
Swaraj 735 Tractor - Best Farming Tractor In India

Swaraj 735 tractor is one of the best and popular tractor models belonging to the Swaraj brand. The company is one of the leading and largest tractor manufacturers in India. The company was the first indigenous company established in 1965. Swaraj offers a wide range of tractors such as mini tractors, row crop tractors, and many more. All the Swaraj tractors come with 2wd and 4wd variants. Swaraj 735 Tractor is one of the essential parts of this range. 

Swaraj 735 is a 40 hp tractor made with highly advanced technology and loaded with excellent features. It comes with a potent engine. This Swaraj tractor performs all the farming applications, whether it's planting or harvesting. The tractor model has powerful features which provide a guarantee of high production. Along with this, Swaraj 735 tractor price is affordable and low for farmers. 

Swaraj 735 Tractor - Innovative Features 

Following are the innovative features of the tractor model:- 

  • This Swaraj 40 hp tractor comes with 3-cylinders and a 2734 CC engine, helping in challenging tasks. 
  • The powerful engine generates 1800 RPM. 
  • It has a single dry disc friction plate dual-clutch and 8 Forward + 2 Reverse gears. 
  • The tractor is loaded with oil-immersed / Dry Disc Brakes, aiding slippage and accidents. 
  • Swaraj 735 tractor price is Rs. 5.50 - Rs. 5.85 lakhs*. 

For more information about the Swaraj 735 tractor model, visit TractorGuru. You can also check the Swaraj 742, Swaraj tractor dealers and Swaraj service center at TractorGuru. 

Aman Khandelwal
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