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Why you need to set up the Sitemap before Design?

Muqadam Navicosoft
Why you need to set up the Sitemap before Design?

Before knowing why to set up the Sitemap before Web Design, let’s get to know a bit about the map.


What exactly is the sitemap? 

The sitemap is like a flowchart describing the structure of the websites. In short, it depicts the organization of the website pages and the website content. You might have seen it in the form of a web page tree.


You can also think of it as the blueprint of a house; the only difference is that the house is the website here. By finalizing the map with the website owner, the web design company start the building process.


Compelling reasons to set up the Sitemap before Website Designing

It shows you the whole site in a single glance

Many websites have many pages that become difficult to remember and handle, especially in Web Design and Development. However, working with the sitemap ease the handling process throughout the completion. Also, it facilitates the explanation of the site design to clients and staff.


Flawless Website Navigation 

Website user experience counts the most in user’s eyes when they have plenty of options (websites) available. Navigation is a critical aspect of both User Experience and Web Design. Thus, the sitemap lets you simplify establishing easy navigation by focusing on the pages’ hierarchy.


It streamlines the Sales and Conversion Funnel.

Every website on World Wide Web follows a goal and has a purpose behind it. It deals with the selling, purchasing, subscription, sharing, and with which business niche. It does not matter. The sites with eCommerce functioning definitely have a sales funnel. However, not all the prospects and customers are on the same stage of the funnel.


In short, it becomes easy to set the landing pages and call-to-action (CTAs) to the pages/ content. Eventually, it provides an excellent scoop to the Digital Marketing and PPC efforts. 


Ward off the Content Duplication Scenarios 

Finally, it saves you from content duplication. Sitemap helps you stay aware of when and where to put the relevant content with replicating.


Besides, content duplication is a black hat SEO technique. It directly affects the SEO rankings and sometimes even gets the website penalized by Google.


Thus, it is best to set up the sitemap before initiating the Web Design process as it knocks off all the repetition possibilities. A responsible web design company always take care of that.

Muqadam Navicosoft
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