Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform cryptographic tasks. It is a technique to ensure confidentiality of communicating information. It helps in performing various cryptography functions which are not possible by non-quantum communication. Quantum cryptography is a branch of information technology, which deals with the manipulation of information using the principles of quantum mechanics. This branch of technology deals with the statistical properties of real systems and their protocols. These real systems are usually very complicated like international internet protocols, digital signature schemes, and digital certificates.
Basically, this field is concerned with two-dimensional information systems and their discrete networks. For instance, digital signatures are used to authenticate documents or communications. Digital certificates also play an important role in digital cryptosystems. One example of a well-known quantum protocol is the quantum key distribution that provides an unaltered information-theoretic secure solution to the secret key problem. The key itself is protected by the quantum key. It is essentially a digital tool that can be used for communication through various systems such as emails, faxes, etc.
Quantum keys are made from a prime number. A prime number is a number that is extremely difficult to break - if it is used at all. These keys are created from numbers that are called 'public keys' are needed to access the networks. Public key cryptography works based on discrete-logical systems that use pairs of keys; public keys and private keys, where it is possible to determine the discrete logarithm of an elliptical curve over a finite number of inputs. The key generation relies on cryptographic algorithms that are based on mathematical problems called one-way functions.
Quantum cryptography can be used for both symmetric and asymmetric key distribution. An asymmetric algorithm is one in which the distribution of keys is affected by the actions taken by users. Asymmetric algorithms use public keys to give out public keys. To break the algorithm, a highly skilled professional would have to carry out a large series of complicated calculations, thereby breaking the security of the entire system. Asymmetric methods are more secure as the output is the only thing being changed, but this means that it can take much longer to break.
Quantum keys need to be implemented in the right software. The most common way of doing this is through the use of Diffie-Calibration. Diffie-Calibration determines the strength of a public key by measuring its bandwidth along with its response time. Once these factors are known, the required strength can be determined. This method is widely used in network systems. This is often used for storing important information that needs to be secured. It overlaps the quantum properties of light under quantum mechanics on cryptographic work rather than the current state of algorithms based on mathematical computing technology. It takes advantage of quantum’s multiple states, coupled with its ‘no change theory,’ which means it cannot be unknowingly interrupted.
Quantum cryptography is an attempt to allow two users to communicate using more secure methods than those guaranteed by traditional cryptography.