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Best Hotels Near US Consulate Chennai | Hanu Reddy Residences

Umanitya Ramesh
Best Hotels Near US Consulate Chennai | Hanu Reddy Residences

Hanu Reddy Residency becomes a top choice for individuals traveling to Chennai wishing to dwell in the city. Staying within the city has its perks as you would be able to access a lot of places conveniently and in good time. When you are here for work, a prime location for a service apartment is necessary and one that will help you reach locations of your importance in good time. Located in Anna Salai, this service apartment is often featured as one of the best hotels near US consulate Chennai. The residency acts as a great hotel because it allows you to host your meetings and conferences if need and also extends their welcome to your guests. The services offered are as good as a hotel and that includes locker storage, porter service, laundry and dry cleaning services, and mBest Hotels Near US Consulate Chennaiore.  Please call at 7305735555. 

Umanitya Ramesh
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