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Essential mobile app testing stages

Pamela Mer
Essential mobile app testing stages

Security testing

Every mobile app collects and keeps private and sensitive information about a user. Besides, an insecure mobile app can be a loophole for cyber hackers that intrude into a user's system and hack a smartphone overall.  

Almost all apps refer to servers that are vulnerable to the same types of cyberattacks as desktop and web apps. However, mobile apps have better security measures and a smaller attack surface. But there are principal security issues we should pay attention to: 

  • Local data storage. Improper usage of APIs system by an app can cause data breaches and other security issues. For example, failures in local data storage can transfer private users' data to other apps on a device. 
  • Insecure networks. Smartphones connect with various networks regularly. It increases the risk to be hacked. Companies should ensure that their systems are protected and control what information they share with remote service endpoints.
  • Authorizations issues. Usually, the authorization process is associated with endpoints but there are security risks related to the mobile app side. Some authorization frameworks (such as OAuth2) transfer the authentication process to a side provider. It can lead to transferring the logic of a user's authentication to other apps.

Security testing services can help your company find vulnerabilities inside your system. 

Pamela Mer
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