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Our goal is to get more people to play cricket and raise the standard of the national teams - Brian Mantle, CEO of German Cricket Federation

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Our goal is to get more people to play cricket and raise the standard of the national teams - Brian Mantle, CEO of German Cricket Federation

For a sport that was first introduced over 150 years ago, Germany is not a country that is associated with cricket. A powerhouse in the football world, Germans never fail to make their voices heard at sporting venues and have some of the most passionate supporters in the world. The influx of people from different backgrounds, especially from the Indian subcontinent has played a big role in cricket gaining some relevance in the country, but it still has a long way to go to become one of the more ‘popular’ sports, especially amongst the younger generation.

In an exclusive interview with SPOGO, Brian Mantle, Chief Executive Officer at the German Cricket Federation speaks about promoting cricket, grassroot development, overcoming challenges, raising the standard of cricket and his future goals and aspirations.

Link: https://spogonews.com/article/our-goal-is-to-get-more-people-to-play-cricket-and-raise-the-standard-of-the-national-teams-brian-mantle-ceo-of-german-cricket-federation

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