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jupiter in 4th house marriage

Nanobot Solutions
jupiter in 4th house marriage

Effects of Jupiter in 4th house Marriage: The lord of Sagittarius and Pisces is exalted in Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn. In Lal Kitab, Jupiter is strong in the fourth house and weak in the seventh, tenth house. Jupiter with Mercury and Venus or in their signs gives bad results. But here, know what precautions and measures should be taken when it is in the fourth house or it is slow.

How will the person be: Knowledge floating in the water. Women, wealth and mother's happiness. Own luxurious house. Lifelike a king. If there is a high guru here, he will be famous. The fourth house belongs to Moon, the friend of Jupiter. Jupiter is exalted in this house. Therefore, it provides the person with the power to decide the fate and future of others. The native gets divine help in times of crisis. As his age increases, the person's prosperity and wealth will also increase. But if precautions are not followed then nothing above will be available.

Nanobot Solutions
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