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saturn in 6th house

Drink Zoik
saturn in 6th house
Consequences of Saturn in the 6th house of the horoscope: This position of Shani in the horoscope makes a person skilled in eloquence and also a good speaker. Such persons get skill in reasoning and debate on any subject. This position of Shani not only makes the person powerful but also weakens his enemies so that no enemy of his can stay in front of the person for a long time.
In Vedic Jyotish, it is believed that such people who have Shani in the sixth house of their horoscope, such people provide shelter to many people in life, and nurture all. Shani situated here gives a lot of wealth and servants to the native. This position of Shani also gives fearlessness to the person in every way and the person does not suffer any kind of fear in life.
If Saturn in the sixth house is under the bad influence, then the person takes unnecessary pride and does not allow anyone to walk before him. As far as possible, such people should stay away from the passions and keep their character good, by this Shani Dev will give them wealth, honour and fame.
Drink Zoik
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