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How to download Google Chrome on Macbook air?How to download Google Chrome on Macbook air?

Instant Help Zilla
How to download Google Chrome on Macbook air?How to download Google Chrome on Macbook air?

In Mac's early days, its default browser wasn't what you might anticipate. Surprisingly, Microsoft had a contract with Apple to distribute Macs out of the box with Internet Explorer. Once the contract was concluded, Apple swiftly released its own browser called Safari.

Unfortunately for Apple's new browser, a stronger rival under Google's browser had already grabbed up market share. Google grabbed Mac customers because of its search and mail services – almost one-third of all Macs use Chrome as their default browser as of 2019. This article is for those who are searching for How to download Google Chrome on Macbook air.

Steps for how to download Google Chrome on Macbook air:

It is a must to download any other browser to resolve your query on how to download Google Chrome on Macbook Air.

  • It's all quite simple, but use another web browser (like Safari) to download Chrome for Mac first:
  • Open Safari (or another web browser) and google.com/chrome
  • Hit Download Mac-Chrome
  • New windows will pop up asking you to accept Use Terms. Click Accept and Install if you agree.
  • After downloading Chrome for Mac, open the file called googlechrome.dmg and proceed through the installation process.
  • Drag the Chrome icon to the Applications folder when asked—the last step before finally having Chrome on Mac.
  • Launch Google Chrome from Applications.

Now that you know how to download Google Chrome on Macbook Air, you might wish to make Mac's Chrome default browser. Simply open it and click the three dots in the top-right corner, followed by Settings, then pick Default in the Default Browser section.

Final words:

So, that is all about how to download Google Chrome on Macbook Air. To learn more about the same stuff, like how you will update Google Chrome on Mac and much more, consider keeping in touch with the Instant Help Zilla website.

Instant Help Zilla
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