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Godrej Refrigerator Repair Mumbai

Services Repairs
Godrej Refrigerator Repair Mumbai

Nowadays refrigerators are playing an important role in our busy life. While using refrigerators we will face some issues like fridge’s temperature isn’t cold enough, ice maker isn’t working, refrigerator isn’t working, refrigerator is making strange noises, and refrigerator is not dispensing water or ice, etc. To solve challenges like these, Call Godrej Refrigerator Repair Mumbai and report the problem you're having with your refrigerator. After submitting a complaint, our technician will call you within 2-3 hours to confirm your request and then come to you. We will conduct services in your home, and we will only repair non-warranty refrigerators. We charge a reasonable fee for our services, and in exchange, you will receive a 30-day free service guarantee; however, if any spare parts are broken, we will charge an additional fee for replacement. Call us at 9394157710 or 9014205823.

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