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8 Methods to make Vaping as Safe as Possible

Adam Warne
8 Methods to make Vaping as Safe as Possible

Many vapers desire to take a puff without worrying about any health risk or giving up the habit entirely. Indeed, vaping has been established to be much safer than a cigarette in many ways. However, this does not rule out some health issues associated with vaping.

There are many concerns associated with vaping, but you can take proactive steps to make the process safe for you. As a result, here are eight proven methods to make vaping safe for all.

Photo by Miguel Arcanjo Saddi from Pexels



  • Check Your Battery Quality



Strong lithium-ion batteries power many vape devices. Some devices also have specific batteries, like the ooze 900 battery explicitly made for them. Make sure not to use cheap batteries as it increases your chance of having issues. 

If possible, order directly from the manufacturer and only patronize reputable sellers. Make good research on replacement batteries and warnings associated before use.



  • Stay Away From e-liquid That Has THC



According to the CDC (Centre for Disease Control), some patients suffering from EVALI had vitamin E acetate in their lungs, which was absent in the lungs of healthy people. The CDC classified e-cigs that trigger lung injury as EVALI. Many deaths have been linked to this since the condition was identified.

All vape juice that has THC uses vitamin E acetate as a thickening agent. This is responsible for EVALI, according to the CDC.

So, you are better off using an e-liquid with no THC. Even if there is THC in any CBD vape juice, it must be below 0.3% or 0.2% based on the laws of your region. Make sure to purchase your vape device in the vape pod clearance offer.



  • Avoid Using Your Mod at a High Temperature



There is the possibility to adjust the temperature on some e-cig devices. Setting such a temperature excessively high will give a dry vapour with a nasty flavour. This alone is enough raising to deter you from using an overly high temperature.

An excessively high temperature triggers various chemical reactions in the device. With this, there will be unwanted chemical reactions that will be harmful to your health.

Image by Ethan Parsa from Pixabay



  • Avoid Dry-Burning Your Coils 



Dry burning is firing your device without eliquid. People dry burn their coils for various reasons. However, this habit makes the temperature increase exponentially, affecting the integrity of the metallic structure.

The process corrodes the metal, which can contaminate the e-liquid. This way, more metal particles get into the vapor you inhale, which also affects your e-liquid. 



  • Stop Cloud-Chasing 



Vaping, without a doubt, is way more safe than smoking. However, there are vaping habits that can make the practice a threat to your health. With this, the more vapor you inhale, the more risk you expose yourself to. 

As a result, you want to inhale less vapor as low as possible. The constituent of the ejuice can pose a significant health risk, especially a vape juice higher in PG content. The by-products, contaminants, and all do not help.



  • Vape Unflavored Juice



Many people love vaping due to the variety they get in terms of flavor. However, the inhalation of flavors poses a significant risk. According to the Royal College of Physicians, the highest risk from vaping comes from the flavors. Unfortunately, there is no detailed information on the exact flavor that causes the risk.

When you switch to unflavored risk, you can mitigate the issue, even though we know this is not an appealing choice. Better still, when you make your vape juice, which puts you in complete control of the constituent. With this, you can avoid ingredients that could pose a severe health risk in the future. 



  • Learn proper Inhalation Technique



The proper method of inhalation is primal to your health and the pleasure you derive from the activity. In the same way, excessive inhalation can result in an unpleasant nicotine rush.

You can inhale vapor in two ways: mouth to lung (MTL), or Direct to Lung (DTL)

People using a small vaping device with high nicotine levels and resistance coils should use the MTL method. With this method, vaping happens like the process of using a straw for drinking water. 

If you have a large device with low nicotine levels and resistance, the DTL method is advisable. Many vapers prefer this approach as it helps them get more vapor. It gives vapers the experience of using a bong. This method is better on the body than the first one as the process is direct, unlike the first one since there are two major processes: direct inhalation of the vapor and pushing it out all at once.



  • Maintain Optimum Hydration Level 



Finally, you want to ensure you are well hydrated while vaping to reduce the body's water content. Long hours of vaping will likely leave you dehydrated, especially when vaping with a higher PG level with a vape juice. This can result in issues like headache, dizziness, etc. You can keep your hydration level up by consuming more fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, and avoiding vaping when dehydrated. 




Vaping may not have as many of the side effects of smoking. However, this does not make it completely risk-free. This detailed article can guide you on enjoying your vape device without exposing yourself to many health issues. 


Adam Warne
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