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Jack Dorsey's Square is creating a new business focused on bitcoin

Jack Dorsey's Square is creating a new business focused on bitcoin

Jack Dorsey's Square soon shall be making a business that will entirely focus on Bitcoin. Dorsey has already outlined plans to create a platform of an open developer that shall be focusing on Bitcoin DeFi services. On July 15, this news was out by Dorsey via Twitter with an aim to now double down on its Bitcoin bet. 


About the New platform: 

The Tweet that was out by Jack Dorsey states, ‘Square is creating a new business (joining Seller, Cash App, & Tidal) focused on building an open developer platform with the sole goal of making it easy to create non-custodial, permissionless, and decentralized financial services. Our primary focus is #Bitcoin. Its name is TBD.’ 


CEO of Square company Jack Dorsey made an announcement of a new division creation focusing on “building an open developer platform”. The new platform shall entirely be utilizing Bitcoin.  


The announcement was out by Dorsey through Twitter while revealing the new division of the square. Jack Dorsey is already a huge fan of cryptocurrency. With square to be pushed in this area will now further have a great scope for such hardware wallet. Read More...

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