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How to Get the Most Out of Your Lamp – Your Guide

Aussie Lamp Centre
How to Get the Most Out of Your Lamp – Your Guide

You’re investing a lot of your hard earned money in projector lamps and that is why it is absolutely important to ensure that that the lamp functions to the best of its potential. Here are some of these guidelines that you can use to get the most out of your new lamp.

Read further for the details.

  1. Monitor the Operation Time – Make sure you do not operate the lamp extensively for hours at stretch – operate for no more than for 3 to 5 hours at a time. Extensive use without a cool down period can quickly reduce the life span of a projector and bulb. It’s the fastest way to burn out your equipment.
  • Clean Intake Vents, Exhaust Vents and Air Filters Frequently – All projectors have one thing in common – the intake and exhaust vents in order to help reducing the overheating process. Additionally, there are air filters available in order to protect the delicate circuitry from the debris and cleaning the vents as well as the air filters as often according to the said instructions on the use manual ensure longer lasting operations.
  • Ensure Operation in a Dust-free Environment with Good Airflow – Dust can clog the intake as well as the exhaust vents and restrict the airflow circuitry which definitely leads to overheating. However, whenever possible it is important to use a projector in a completely dust-free environment. It is suggested that your clean the surfaces before setting up or mounting the projector in order to reduce the debris neat the device.  Additionally, it equally important to ensure you use the projector in open areas that improve airflow.
  • Use Lamp Economy Mode – Some projectors have a lamp-economy mode designed to extend a lamp’s life by up to 6,000 hours. It does so by reducing the bulb’s brightness by 20%. Most people won’t notice the difference in lumen output.

Apart from all of these it is absolutely vital to use the lamp of the perfect quality to ensure that it functions to the best of its ability. That said, if you are looking for the best then choosing the Acer projector lamps can be a really worthwhile decision.

Aussie Lamp Centre
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