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The Highrise Set Bundle New York | Affordable & Aesthetic Jewelry New York - ASHITA

Ashita New York
The Highrise Set Bundle New York | Affordable & Aesthetic Jewelry New York - ASHITA

People say three is a crowd, but we say three is a party. Our timeless yet trendy high rise set exhibits the perfect amalgamation of three boroughs of New York- Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan- the ultimate trifecta. One is simply not complete without the other. This is exactly why we created the high rise bundle, to make it easier for you to collect all three!

The Highrise

Picking your stack just got easier. Our bestselling Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queen Bands all in one place. Get $100 off the iconic trio. Originally starting at $615.



ASHITA’s jewelry is delicate, feminine, and modern. Made with colorful enamel juxtaposed against gold, Kandinsky isn’t a comparison that immediately comes to mind.


Vassily Kandinsky is considered a pioneer in abstract art. Born in Russia in 1866, he began painting in earnest in the early 1900’s. Before Picasso or Malevich were creating their groundbreaking works, Kandinsky was playing with the idea of what modern art could be. As a child, he was fascinated by color. This led to his later interest in color symbolism and psychology, which influenced his art heavily. His most famous works, though heavily abstracted with only shapes and lines, are full of life and vibrancy. The interplay of line and color lends a certain quality of movement to his work that feels like it shouldn’t be possible. But color is a powerful thing and often speaks for itself. This is what ultimately drew Ashita to Kandinsky’s works and inspired her own collection.

Ashita New York
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