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Silica sand is a mineral of silicon dioxide. It belongs to the quartz family and is found in abundance on the ground in most of the regions of the world. The uses of silica sand in the construction industry are wide and varied. One of the main sources of

Anand Talc
Silica sand is a mineral of silicon dioxide. It belongs to the quartz family and is found in abundance on the ground in most of the regions of the world. The uses of silica sand in the construction industry are wide and varied. One of the main sources of

Silica sand is a mineral of silicon dioxide. It belongs to the quartz family and is found in abundance on the ground in most of the regions of the world. The uses of silica sand in the construction industry are wide and varied. One of the main sources of silica sand is quarrying activity. It is found abundantly in almost all parts of the world, which includes deserts, beaches, and mountains. There are various other uses of silica sand in the construction industry apart from just being used as an ingredient for making glass. Sand is a naturally occurring granular material composed of rock and mineral fragments of no economic value such as quartz, feldspar, mica, or fused silicates. Silica sand is the most common sand on the planet with an impressive range of applications in construction. We are leading silica sand exporters in India.


The most basic use of silica sand is in construction. This is because it is used as a component to the mortar used for plastering, concrete, and stucco. It is also added to the cement mixture that is to be used as an additive. The silica sand block products are also useful in this industry since they help reduce the cost of production of concrete blocks. It works as one of the most effective dry materials that bind raw concrete to make it stronger. Since this product has a high level of compressive strength, it makes a perfect material to be mixed with cement. We are a leading silica sand supplier in India.

Anand Talc is a leading silica sand manufacturer in India. We offer a wide range of silica sands produced from high-quality quartz. Silica sand provides a rich source of high purity quartz and silicomagnetite, which can be further processed to produce a large variety of high-value products, such as silicon metal and silicones. We provide tough control on the processing parameters so that uniform properties are maintained of our product.

Anand Talc
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