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Managed IoT Consulting Services In Pune

Cloud IBN

CloudIBN’s IoT Services can help you to realize your IoT solution through the various phases – connect, monitor, manage, collaborate, innovate – in a structured manner – discovery, proof, launch, accelerate.
Leverage our IoT Services to build custom IoT Solutions for your Connected Products and Smart Services on industry-leading IoT Cloud Platforms from AWS and Azure.
Our deep expertise and reference architectures in AWS IoT and Azure IoT Hub enable rapid proof-of-concept pilots and robust, scalable production solutions.
We can also enhance your IoT Solutions with the enterprise integration, big data analytics and machine learning capabilities offered by Amazon and Microsoft. SECURITY IN IOT In IoT, with the convergence of the physical and computer worlds, security, privacy and compliance issues extend across the entire IoT solution. Read our Security in IoT White Paper to understand how AWS IoT and Azure IoT Hub platforms address secure provisioning of connected devices, secure connectivity between the connected devices and the cloud, and secure data processing and storage in the cloud. IOT AND BIG DATA Big Data technologies play a vital role in processing the massive amounts of data generated by IoT solutions. Read our IoT and Big Data White Paper to understand the unique characteristics and challenges for data analytics, the typical architecture of an IoT Big Data ecosystem and how Azure, AWS as well as open source alternatives are available for implementing it. We believe that IoT solutions have become even more relevant in the context of remoteness and distancing. Let us enable your IoT vision for Connected Products and Smart Services through these turbulent times with our high-quality, on-time, within-budget IoT solutions and IoT services.
CloudIBN’s IoT Services can help you to realize your IoT solution through the various phases – connect

Cloud IBN
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