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Cenforce 150 Sildenafil: Dosage, Reviews, Side Effects

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Cenforce 150 Sildenafil: Dosage, Reviews, Side Effects

How to take Cenforce 150?

Cenforce 150 (Sildenafil 150mg) can be easily taken with a glass of water and comes into action in 15 to 30 minutes. The action time lasts for up to 4-5 hours. The most common and effective dosage is 100mg which will handle almost any ED case. Do not take more than one pill in a day.

How Does Cenforce 150 mg Work?

Cenforce 150mg belongs to a group of medicaments known as PDE5 inhibitors. To learn exactly how the medicine works, it is essential to explain the physiological mechanism of erection.

After the sexual arousal, nitrogen oxide is discharged in the hollow corpus body of the p*nis. After releasing Nitrogen oxide actives, the enzyme called guanylate cyclase leading to the synthesis of cyclic GMP or cGMP. Cyclic GMP interacts with the smooth muscles of the hollow body causing them to relax. As a result, more blood flows to the p*nis, and the erection is achieved.

The enzyme PDE5 or phosphodiesterase type-5 inactivate cyclic GMP. By inhibiting this enzyme, Sildenafil citrate improves the amount of cyclic GMP and thus enhances erection. The main advantage of Sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors is that is works only in the presence of sexual stimulation meaning that it resembles the natural mechanism of erection.

Order Cenforce 150mg Sildenafil Citrate Visit: Flatmeds 

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