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Difference between a construction company and a property Dealer

sanati builders
Difference between a construction company and a property Dealer

A firm that is involved in the construction of buildings, bridges, roads, dams, etc. Construction companies offer civil construction and structural services.


There are various types of construction companies

1. Residential construction companies


These construction companies undertake the construction of individual house, flats, villas, bungalows, etc. Some residential construction companies are also involved in interior designing.

The number of Residential construction companies is increasing day by day. These companies try to achieve the requirement of the clients like on-time completion of a project, interior designing, costs, etc.

The residential construction companies also provide remodeling, renovation, and build-out services.


2. Non-Residential construction companies

These Construction companies are involved in the construction of non-residential buildings like corporate offices, hospitals, educational institutions like schools, colleges, universities.

They are responsible for providing all of the materials, labors, equipment, and services necessary for the construction of the projects.

They often hire specialized subcontractors to perform a portion of the construction work.


3. Infrastructure and Heavy Construction Companies


These construction companies are involved in the construction of ports, dams, roads, bridges, waterways, transportation, utility systems.

The construction of large structures requires specialized equipment and capabilities.


  • Property Dealers

A property dealer is a person who acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller of property. People hire a property dealer to make sure that they get a good deal.


Qualities of a good property dealer


  • Patience

One needs to have a lot of patience while dealing with property. Being an intermediary between two parties becomes difficult to communicate on behalf of both the parties.

  • Communication and problem solving

Communication is the most important and useful skill for being a property dealer. Communication skills are needed to communicate with the landlords or landowners as well as with the customers. One should have the ability to communicate, listen and solve the problem.


  • Ability to negotiate

Negotiating skill is important because the property dealers will have to deal with two pricing aspects that are:

1. Selling Price

2. Their commission.

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