What are the benefits of blockchain in the banking sector? What is the role of blockchain & how does blockchain affect the banking & financial industry?
Learn more: https://diro.io/how-does-blockchain-affect-banking-industry/

N2 Coin is a multi-use coin that is associated with the N2 ecosystem, allowing users to embrace both banking & crypto-based services from a single blockchain-based platform.

Blockchain’s advent is one of those technological advancements that businesses must adapt to evolve.
Blockchain has proved to be a game-changing technology that is impacting almost every sector we know.
The P2P method restricts any centralized authority or intermediary to control the ledger.
However, the industry is dynamic enough to benefit from the blockchain technology.
Whenever a user adds a file to the blockchain database or requests to change it thereafter, it counts as a new transaction that is stacked and time-stamped across the network.
These things enable a blockchain solution or a distributed ledger to leave no single point of failure.

Blockchain technology has influenced banking or financial sector to a great extent.
Read this article to know more about how blockchain technology replaces the existing system and helps overcomes its limitations.