AI Products 

The Crowdpoint Blockchain Opportunity!

Viktoriya Hopperstad
The Crowdpoint Blockchain Opportunity!


COVID forced a decentralized working environment to go mainstream. Pre-COVID very few employers had truly embraced allowing remote workers, and now it's not only acceptable, it's the new normal. Transactions (both business and consumer), workforce, and even entertainment have been decentralized overnight. It's like we're all in a video game where we've been dropped off in a new world with new rules and we have to adapt or die. The Blockchain Ecosystem is the new sandbox game. You can build whatever you want, so choose something you're passionate about, claim the space, and do something innovative.


Learn more!  https://ellipsis.crowdpoint.tech/?afmc=d_W5F6lrqvmvsx_jtqiSH


Viktoriya Hopperstad
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