AI Products 

ae roop sundar soap | roop sundar soap skin whitening | roop sundar soap 100g | roop sundar soap 150 price

ae roop sundar soap | roop sundar soap skin whitening | roop sundar soap 100g | roop sundar soap 150 price

Benefits: Improves skin texture 3-4 shades and makes your skin glow Controls pigmentation, dark spots and pimples Reduce uneven skin tone and removes tan Exfoliates dead skin cells No Side effects works for both men and women.

Net Weight : 100g Pack of 3 Soaps ROOP SUNDAR skin whitening soap is a wonderful soap that comes with effective advanced triple action formula. This triple action formula cleans your skin deeply and removes dust, tan and blackheads from your skin and it will nourish and moisturize your skin to keep fresh all the day. Paarijat Extract and Kojic acid contains in this soap improves your skin texture and gives you new glow to your skin.

This soap works best on dark circles, pimple marks, eczema, uneven skin tone and other skin related issues. Using this soap regularly makes your skin white.

Website:- https://www.amazon.in/AE-Naturals-Whitening-Paarijat-Extract/dp/B07X2KGMDX

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