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How to Hire the Best Node.JS Developers?

Pratik Mistry
How to Hire the Best Node.JS Developers?

With the advent of the IoT era, a wave of automation has taken over the world of technology, where software and SaaS companies are experiencing a meteoric rise. 

From the simplest everyday tasks like buying groceries to more complex tasks like financial training, today's world has software for every purpose. As the demand for software products increase, the market is experiencing the need for skilled developers. 

Global companies choose to outsource their software development projects given that outsourcing offers massive cost efficiencies, a world-class end-product with a rapid turn-around time.    

Node.js is arguably the most popular programming language in the market today, especially deployed to back-end development. It is written in C++ and built-in Chromes V8 JS runtime. 

The main reason for Node.js's popularity is its efficiency and scalability, making creating software/ applications with Node.js an easy task. 

Companies across the globe are on a constant lookout for skilled developers capable of building applications in Node.js. If you are a company looking to hire Node.js developers, you have reached the right place. Read on as we detail hiring models and essential qualities to check for before hiring a Node.js developer.   

Engagement models 

There are three broad engagement models that you can choose while hiring Node.js developers. In-House teams, Freelancers, and collaborating with a software development company. Each of these engagement models is unique, and for you to make an informed choice, we have elucidated their specifics-  

  • In-house development 

If your project is large-scale and requires constant updates, ongoing maintenance, and post-release support, choosing to build an in-house Node.js development team makes the most sense. The advantages of an in-house team are- 

  1. High level of control- Given that an in-house team works at the same premise as you, it becomes a lot easier to communicate expectations and resolve issues rapidly. 
  2. Absence of language and cultural barriers- Given that the basic geolocation of your in-house team corresponds with your location, there is a very slim chance of mismatched cultures or language barriers. 
  3. Dedicated resources- Your in-house team will dedicatedly work on your project without the distraction of having to work on projects sent in from other clients. 

In-House development does not come without a set of disadvantages. Some of them are enumerated below- 

  1. Expensive- Given that you have to pay an in-house employee a salary, plus company perks and benefits, and shell out for the required infrastructure, In-House teams can be quite expensive. 
  2. Attrition- Attrition is a risk that most enterprises face when it comes to employees with high-value skills. An in-house employee might shift to another company offering better payouts.  
  3. Downtime costs- Even when you don't have a Node.js development project on hand and your development team is idling, you still have to pay their salaries in full, resulting in what is termed as the cost of downtime. 
  • Freelance developers 

Perfect for smaller projects with tight deadlines, hiring freelance developers can make a lot of financial sense. Here are a few benefits of hiring freelancers for your Node.js development project- 

  1. Affordable- When you hire a freelance developer, all you pay is for Node.js development services rendered/code written. The need to pay for perks, benefits, and infrastructure is eliminated in this engagement model. 
  2. Talent pool- Given that geolocations do not matter while hiring freelance developers, you can choose from an exceptionally large talent pool 

And now for the disadvantages of hiring freelance Node.js developers- 

  1. High risk- Usually, there are no NDAs or IPR requirements in the case of freelance developers. Some even function without written contracts. This results in a massive risk factor that is best avoided. 
  2. Cultural and language barriers- The greatest advantage of hiring freelance developers is also its greatest disadvantage. While you can choose from a global talent pool, there is no guarantee that the resource you hire comes without language and cultural barriers. 
  • Outsourcing model 

The most widely adopted and arguably the perfect way to hire Node.js developers is software development outsourcing, which is now a must-have for every development initiative. All you need to do is a little research to find the ideal Node.js development company. The advantages of choosing the outsourcing model are- 

  1. Cost efficiencies- When outsourcing your Node.js development requirements, you no longer have to pay for downtime, infrastructure, employee benefits, and perks while receiving top-notch quality from the node.js development company you have chosen. 
  2. Access to the best talent-  Software development outsourcing firms pride themselves on the output quality they put forward. Rest assured that the ideal Node.js development company is equipped with all the resources required for project success. 
  3. Rapid Time-to-market- Since you have saved time by bypassing hiring and staffing procedures, your product gets into the development stage faster, resulting in a rapid time-to-market. 

The outsourcing model does have a couple of disadvantages. They are- 

  1. Communication issues- If the outsourcing company has a different work culture from yours, misunderstandings may usually arise regarding the transparency and volume of communication offered.  
  2. Management issues-  If you are a business that likes to micromanage, then choosing to outsource your software development project is not a good idea. The ideal software development partner will take your requirements into account, and before you have to reach out again, a sizeable chunk of high-value code would be ready for your review. 

6 Essential Qualities of the ideal Node.js Developer 

1. Vetted Experience 

Experience breeds success. As an enterprise, you must carefully evaluate the expertise and experience of the development team you plan to hire. Since Node.js was released in 2009, the ideal developer should have at least 2-3 years of experience. 

The candidate's experience will dictate his quality and speed of development, which are crucial factors while hiring a Node.js developer. Contributions to external domains are also a good way to gauge whether the candidate enjoys doing what he does.  

2. Knowledge of Node.js Frameworks 

Node.js sports a diverse set of Modules, tools, and IDEs. Before hiring a Node.js developer, ensure that the candidate has hands-on knowledge of at least a few Node.js frameworks like Hapi, Koa.js, or express. Knowledge of MVC frameworks is a bonus. 

3. Knowledge of Front-end Development 

Even though node.js is deployed to the back-end of app development, besides experience in back-end development, the ideal Node.js developer should also have a working knowledge of the front-end. The ideal candidate should have a good eye for UI/UX design and build intuitive front-end wireframes. 

4. Skillset regarding API Communications 

Node.js sports a wide variety of tools and pre-built projects that make development a lot easier. These projects are integrated into your code through APIs. The ideal Node.js developer should know how to work smart by using existing RESTful APIs and integrating multiple systems for faster and better development. 

5. Adherence to Timelines 

The ability to adherence to timelines is yet another skill that the ideal Node.js developer should have in his arsenal. This skill set is especially important if the hiring model is outsourcing. Developers who do not match timelines can prove to be a major liability, given that missing deadlines would mean delays in launching the product. 

6. Testing Capabilities 

It is necessary for a Node.js developer to be conversant with test-driven software development and should be capable of coming up with rapid bug fixes. The candidate should effectively communicate with the testing team and should get each component tested thoroughly. 

In summation- 

Hiring the ideal Node.js developer can prove tough at times. The market currently has developers of all levels in terms of experience and expertise, and it isn't easy to locate the right one. 

The points mentioned in this article aim to resolve this issue. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to choose the engagement model that fits your business requirements perfectly and make an informed choice while hiring Node.js developers by properly evaluating their skills.  

Pratik Mistry
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