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Top Principles of a Good Web Design

WebCastle Media
Top Principles of a Good Web Design

Not the visual appearance, but its usability and better utility determine whether the website is a success or not. Today user-centric types of designs have become a good approach for a profit-based and successful web design. If the user cannot make use of a feature better, then it means it does not exist as said by the web design company Dubai. In this blog, we will be discussing the best and top principles for an effective web design. To understand the principles well before, first, we must know how users think while interacting with the websites.

User habits in the web world are not so different. The visitor first checks the page, looks at the information and clicks on the link of their interest or for what they are searching for. Also, there may be many pages; the visitors might not look at. When the user's expectations are not met, they go back and search again. Users always look for better quality, they scan instead of reading, and look for instant results, and don't necessarily make optimal choices. They go based on their intuition, and they look for control of the browser.

Principles to Follow for a Good and Effective Design

  • Users should not be made to think

Always the webpage must be able to self-explain all about it. While designing a website, the number of questions should be minimized, then only the users could make better decisions. If the features like navigation and the design architecture are not effective, the users find it hard to use. Always a better design structure and links help users to reach the path the users have aimed. The loading time must also be considered. It must be minimized, otherwise, users would leave your website and your website becomes left unused. So, to benefit, their structure, navigation feature, and loading time play a great role.

  • Don't play with the patience of the users

While offering the users a service, make the user requirements always minimum. When the number of actions from the users is less, they will try using the service better. First-time users always come to know what the service is all about, and they do not wait to fill in big forms or data. Always allow the users to look upon your website without any form of strict sharing of data. Try removing all types of barriers and make the website user-friendly as suggested by the web design agency Dubai. Because a single barrier could reduce the incoming traffic a lot.

  • Focus to bring users attention

Many aspects of the website could attract users. Like, images are more appealing than the content, also bold content is better than plain text. Users could easily identify patterns, different motions, and edges. Videos are really good to attract the user's attention. The word free is also attractive to customers and is purely informative. They search for free products and try gaining more information about them from the site. Thus focusing visitors to specific areas of the website is helpful and they provide the necessary information to them. So, usability increases here with better user experiences.

  • Expose the features

The modern type of web design is not encouraging the design concepts including steps, and large buttons. But while looking from the design side, these elements are not so bad. But they are useful as they allow users to have a friendly approach. Allowing users to see the functionality better through different design concepts is always good. Whatever be the design, here the content is more important and the users should feel it informative and thus they could better communicate comfortably with the website. Today many web design company in Cochin are using design approaches to expose the features of the site and clients are also interested in doing it.

  • Better Writing'

Writing style must be appealing to the user and it must be based on the user's preferences and browsing habits. Promotional type of writing is not welcomed by the users. Text blocks with no form of images and keywords in bold are not preferred by the users. An exaggerated type of language will also not be appreciated. Always avoid attractive names. For example, instead of using the word sign up don't go for let's start. One of the best solutions for effective writing is to go for short phrases, a scannable layout, and plain with objective language.

  • Simplicity is main

Everything in the design must be simple. Users are on the design to look for information instead of looking for visual appearance. So, always try making the website design simple. From the user's view, site design means pure text with no form of advertisements and content type blocks. So for a good web experience, keep the web pages user-friendly to the maximum. Overcrowding and unnecessary content must be removed as said by the web design company in Ernakulam.

  • White Space is Good

White space helps to get or perceive the information from the site easily. Any visitor who reaches your website first scans the site and divides the content into different pieces of information. The complex type of structures is also hard to work, read, scan and analyze. It is always better to use a white space solution for dividing the content area in the site instead of using a line. It is said that the hierarchical form of structures is always simple and removes the extra complexity. So, don't get afraid of using white spaces in your design.

  • Better communication

Organize, Economize, and finally communicate. Organizing means coming up with a pure structure with better navigation features and elements. Economize includes simplicity, clarity, distinctiveness, and emphasis. To communicate better, readability, typography, color, texture, symbolism must be kept correct as suggested by the best web development company Kerala. 

  • Conventional Design & Testing

Conventional designs help to easily understand what web design is all about. Through conventions, the user's credibility, trust, reliability, and confidence could be gained. Also, they help to know more about the user's expectations. Testing of the website must be done often. It helps to learn your website's pitfalls and downfalls and helps to work upon it. It also allows you to know what more the users expect from you and hence you could bring out more advancement.

WebCastle Media
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