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Saturn In 9th House

Saturn In 9th House

Saturn In 9th House For Aries Ascendant

In sign Capricorn as 10th house lord, Saturn in 9th house for Aries Ascendant surely indicates Higher Learning or Guru will come with postponement in life. Till then, they will be just discovering Gurus, who are too strict and wants them to pursue some stringent rules. Access to far off land may be blocked till mid life. Long Distance travel will be delayed but whenever they travel, they will travel for a prolonged time. Law is the best option for career.


Saturn In 9th House For Taurus Ascendant

In sign Aquarius as 9th house lord, Saturn in 9th house for Taurus Ascendant surely hints that Higher Learning or Guru will come with postponement in life. Till then, they will be just discovering Gurus, who are just too strict and who desires them to follow some stringent rules. Access to far off land may be blocked till mid life. Then they will find Gurus who exhibits other nature of Saturn, i.e. wise.

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