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Top 5 Treatments of Physical Therapy for Joint pain

Ben Copper
Top 5 Treatments of Physical Therapy for Joint pain

Whether you got a normal injury on the muscles around your joint and shoulder, or it just feels like a rotator cuff tear, you need the best physical therapy arthritis in Honolulu. It is a successful and nonsurgical treatment for any shoulder pain you may be feeling. The therapy aims at strengthening the weakened muscles around your shoulder, causing it to move freely.

Once your doctor refers you to a good physical therapist to treat the pain, the physical therapist must examine the injury and proffer the best treatment for it. Depending on the specifics surrounding the injury, the shoulder treatment prescribed for you will most likely be one or two of the types of treatment listed below.

#1. Hands-on therapy

From the name, you can tell that this type of physical therapy for joint and shoulder pain requires the therapist's help to soothe the injured shoulder. With the help of their hands, the therapist applied a one-direction manual pressure on the muscles to restore their natural mobility.

#2. Strengthening

The physical therapist may recommend that you practice strengthening. It is yet another type of arthritis pain solution in Honolulu that works well for every form of a shoulder injury, and at the same time, strengthens other muscles. The main aim of this exercise is to make you stronger than how you were before the injury.

#3. Stretching

Stretching is a common type of physical therapy designed to gently push your muscles until you start feeling a kind of relief that also regains movement on the muscles.

#4. Ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound is another type of Physical therapy for joint pain. Here, tissues, muscles, and tendons are subjected to a deep healing session. The application of heat helps to improve circulation in the tissue, which will eventually help in soothing the pain and healing the injury.

In cases where the shoulder becomes frozen, these ultrasounds help increase the elasticity of muscles, making the frozen muscles stretch easily, increasing mobility.

#5. Home Workout Program

The physical therapy exercises for the shoulder should be consistently maintained to some extent after the sessions are complete. The physical therapist may decide to organize some home exercises that will help you in your self-journey. Some may fully participate with you during the home exercise sessions to boost your confidence.


Physical therapy arthritis in Honolulu offers treatment plans that consist of different activities or exercises that will help your shoulder injury heal quickly and effectively. These treatment plans also include at-home exercises just in case you need to continue at the end of a session. So, why not sign up for one now and get that pain off your shoulder completely.

Ben Copper
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