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Achieve Success With these 3 Best Prestashop modules

Achieve Success With these 3 Best Prestashop modules

What do you master here actually means? What is mastering the 3 best Prestashop modules actually mean? Well, when it comes to these 3 best Prestashop modules by Knowband, you should master the art of configuring them for best results. In this blog, we will look forward to the 3 best Prestashop modules by Knowband that have made a commendable difference for eCommerce merchants and their businesses.

Let us go and take a look at these 3 best Prestashop modules by Knowband below. 

Prestashop One Page Checkout Addon 

One of the primary goals of every eCommerce storekeeper is to provide clients with an unparalleled shopping experience. With the webshop, eCommerce companies must provide a greater service to their consumers. Simultaneously, in order to increase visitors to the web store, a great purchase must be assured. Online shoppers must only make purchases if the online business provides a simple method that requires little effort. 

One page checkout is one of the elements that improve the web store's consumer experience. The Prestashop one page super checkout addon provides one page checkout functionality to a Prestashop site. The Prestashop One Page Checkout Module allows consumers to finish their transaction and purchase a product on a single page. The one-stage verification of Prestashop's checkout page bounce rate is most likely the best feature for lowering it. Customers are irritated when they are routed to a lengthier checkout process to finish their transaction. As a result, Prestashop One Page Supercheckout ensures that consumers may fine-tune their purchases by making changes. Thus, Prestashop One Page Supercheckout ensures that consumers can polish the purchase by putting all of the necessary data on a single page and giving them a simple technique to manage total the transaction.

  • Optimize the checkout page by adding important fields and omitting unnecessary ones.
  • Allow your customers to complete the purchase as guests without forcing them to create an account.
  • Keep the checkout fields to a minimum for smooth and quick purchases. 

Prestashop Abandoned Cart Addon

According to one study, seven out of every ten eCommerce shoppers abandon a cart for various reasons. Prestashop websites are not immune to this scourge, and a huge number of consumers quit these sites every day. There are methods for reducing the likelihood of abandonment on Prestashop websites. However, none of the methods can ensure that all of the carts will not be abandoned. As a result, the Prestashop abandoned module deals with carts that are abandoned despite all efforts to avoid them.

If utilized correctly, the Prestashop abandoned Cart Module is an excellent Prestashop abandoned cart recovery solution. That is, you must also adhere to the best practices for creating an abandoned cart email in order for your emails to be successful. The effectiveness of Prestashop's abandoned cart recovery email addon is entirely reliant on the performance of your emails. The technology makes it simple to reconnect with lost clients who can yet be won back with a solid recovery strategy. The Prestashop platform produces an Order ID for each order during the checkout process. The Prestashop abandoned Cart Module uses this order id to uniquely identify carts and capture them with cart details.

  • Offer discounts to the customers in order to bring them back for completing the purchase.
  • Let them start right from where they made their way out. Further, don’t stress them out by asking them to add the products again to the cart.

Prestashop eBay Marketplace Integration Addon

Business owners searching for a clever way to link their Opencart store to the eBay marketplace must install the eBay OpenCart connection module. This module includes features such as an easy-to-use interface, profile-based product upload, and the ability to easily link OpenCart shop categories to eBay categories. Knowband's eBay OpenCart Integration Plugin manages eBay's details and circumstances such as characteristics, features, manufacturers, default eBay's value, and many other values as needed.

Because of the shipping management functionality, the eBay Integration module allows for the addition of different shipping options for the eBay shop. Orders may be readily managed by store owners using the OpenCart admin interface. Prestashop eBay Integration Addon simplifies the listing process, saving PrestaShop business owners time. This module aids in the management of inventory and orders from the PrestaShop store for the eBay marketplace. The admin may use this to quickly synchronize product items separately as well as huge bulk synchronization. 

  • Manage your profile well on eBay.
  • Make sure you handle the pricing structure well in order to be considered more by the customers. 
  • Offer a smooth return policy for gaining the trust of customers. 

In the End

So, these were the 3 best Prestashop modules by Knowband. You can simply go ahead and check them out at Knowband or let us know your queries at [email protected].

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