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Why choose classic Italian furniture for your home

Thomas Shaw
Why choose classic Italian furniture for your home

The classic will always be fashionable. Whether it's the pieces of clothing or the pieces of furniture needed for a book-like arrangement, adopting the classic style you will never fail. The reason? The classic has a special elegance that is preserved regardless of trends, time or even novelties in terms of interior design. It is true that from one period to another this style also readjusts, but the main elements that have consecrated it will always be preserved: elegance, simplicity and refinement. Get more information about Italian luxury furniture

If you are a lover of this timeless style and you want your home to be arranged in the classic style, with simple but effective elements, we have prepared a list of the most beloved features of furniture from the classic Italian collection.

Classic Italian bedroom furniture
As I said before, simplicity is one of the established strengths of the classic style. You will never fail by going for something simple. If it's elegant, we can say that you've already taken the hit. However, you may be wondering what simplicity is in terms of furniture. Well, this is found in… design. The furniture is made in a simple way without too many breezes, respecting the classic pattern and the established geometric shapes. When we say simplicity we think precisely of the classic Italian furniture from the Avenanti collection. If you take a look, you will understand exactly why.

Elegance can be found in any piece of Italian furniture
Simplicity and elegance go hand in hand, as expected. But elegance is found in every material used in making furniture. Rosewood sounds elegant doesn't it? But silk and velvet in shades of ivory? We know we've already conquered you, but that's not all. Another distinct thing, most common in classic Italian furniture, but luxury, is the decorative inserts carved in wood applied to the bed upholstery or elegantly integrated into various pieces of furniture. For a visual example you can search for Italian furniture from the Francesco Passi collection. Classic bedroom and living room items will conquer you instantly.

The refinement of classic Italian bedrooms

The third strongest piece of classic Italian furniture is refinement. All this finesse of good taste is a combination of simplicity and elegance to which is added a splash of color, of course. What color, you ask? Well, classic Italian furniture is known for its powdery and warm ivory shades that fully accentuate every classic feature of the furniture. A piece of velvet furniture in shades of ivory, such as the Amalfi sofa from the Italian GiustiPortos collection, is so visually pleasing and so easy to integrate into the classic style.

The luxury of Italian furniture in your home
In terms of classic style, luxury is not a must-have, but each representative feature of classic Italian furniture, gives it a special note of luxury. Precious materials, simple design and warm and complementary shades, turn any room into an epicenter of classic… luxury, of course. In addition, all this comes with a lot of comfort, reliability and an extremely practical design.

So the classic Italian furniture enjoys many qualities, which you will also enjoy if you opt for it in arranging a room. Or even the whole house, why not? Everything will be tastefully arranged, you will not have to redecorate from year to year with the change of interior design trends and you will also have luxury and extremely practical furniture. Can you make a better choice? It depends… maybe only if you opt for modern Italian furniture. In any of these variants, we are here for you to offer you the best advice in order to arrange a tasteful home.

If you still have questions or want to find out more details about our furniture offers, you can fill in the contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thomas Shaw
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