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Proper Ways for Demolition & Disposal of a Building

Proper Ways for Demolition & Disposal of a Building

Demolition, also known as hauling, is the science and engineering of safely and effectively demolishing buildings and other man-made structures. Demolition is in contrast to deconstruction, which involves dismantling buildings while carefully preserving valuable items for reuse. 

For small buildings such as houses only two or three stories high, demolition is a fairly simple process. Buildings are demolished manually or mechanically using large hydraulic equipment: elevated working platforms, cranes, excavators, or bulldozers. Larger buildings may require the use of wrecking balls, which are heavy objects on a cable that are balanced to one side of the building with a crane.

The demolition service process 

The term demolition refers to destruction or dismantling. Building demolition is the process of using planned and controlled methods to demolish or destroy the structure after its useful life. Only the professional demolition service in Edmonton can execute a perfect destruction of a building.

When explosives are used in the demolition of buildings, it is called an implosion. Hydraulic excavators can be used to demolish one or two-story buildings through the destruction process. The strategy is to destroy the building while controlling the way and direction of its collapse. 

Perform asbestos removal, remove hazardous or regulated materials, obtain necessary permits, submit necessary notices, disconnect utilities, bait rodents, and establish safety in specific locations and work plans. 

The installation of the building, such as the type of building materials used, the presence of sewage, hazardous materials, materials from toxic chemicals, flammable or explosive and radioactive materials, etc., the neighborhood's sensitivity to noise, dust, vibration, and traffic effects. 

If harmful substances such as asbestos minerals, oil pollution, radioactive metals, etc. are found in the site investigation of the demolition.Before dismantling the structure, specialized personnel are required to remove hazardous materials from the site.

How to dispose of concrete?

The demolished concrete is usually sent to landfills for disposal, but due to increased environmental awareness, the concrete is recycled and reused in the concrete work. There are many benefits to recycling concrete instead of throwing it away or burying it in a landfill. Keeping the concrete gravel away from the landfill can save space there. Other benefits of recycled concrete are:

Old concrete can be converted into high-quality aggregate for use in concrete mixes and foundations, and concrete residues can be used in paving stones and benches. 

Recycling concrete gravel helps reduce the overall impact of the construction industry on the environment. To increase the scope of recycling in the future, recycling should be included in the design stage. Therefore, recycling aggregates from concrete crushed stones will produce environmental and economic benefits. This experimental study aims to use crushed concrete residues as a substitute for fine aggregate in mortar mixtures. Compare a traditional mortar mixture with a concrete waste mixture in the same proportion. 

Typical waste components include Portland cement concrete, asphalt concrete, wood, gypsum board, asphalt shingles, metal, cardboard, plastic, and dirt. This waste has only recently received attention because of increased concerns about its environmental impact. 

One thing that builders, developers, and contractors should consider during construction, renovation, or demolition is where to find disposal service in Edmonton to put all the debris. Just like most people do for environmental and economic purposes, research, and experimentation are also being carried out to discover new ways to find solutions for proper disposal. 


When considering recycled concrete as an option, you also need to evaluate the options available for crushing concrete. The most practical solution may be a portable shredder that can be moved to different locations or projects. It is usually best to install it on a portable crusher in a centralized location, close to the location where the concrete is removed, but without obstructing on-site traffic.

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