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What is an agile coach?

Naveen Singh
What is an agile coach?

What is Coaching?

There are multiple definitions out there to answer this question. Put it all together in simple words- Coaching is a collective involvement of multiple attributes that are used by a coach to assist their coachee(s) to enhance and progress towards a superior future (for example, accomplish goals, make better decisions, improved behavior, efficaciously handle a particular scenario, etc).

In the course of coaching, the coach guides the coachee to address the challenge with a simplified approach. The coach always stays neutral and creates a secure place for the coachee to find a solution.

What does a Coach do?

Here is what Scrum Master as a coach does:

  • Indulge in active listening with an open mind.
  • Ask powerful questions; this instigates finding their own solutions.
  • Reflect: Enhance the ability of coachees to be well aware of their thinking
  • Establish a better clarity of objectives and thoughts.
  • Leads by example and practices generative listening.
  • Enable culture and structure that encourages the coachees to take necessary actions.
  • Help the Scrum team to unleash their purpose and value.

This blog on "What is an agile coach?" is originally published on Agilemania.

Naveen Singh
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