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What Is an Isolation Transformer and What Are the Advantages It Will Offer?

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What Is an Isolation Transformer and What Are the Advantages It Will Offer?

Electricity is very important to survive in this current world. Almost every invention and device works on electricity, and also every device that we use and around us also needs electricity. Transformer is one of the greatest inventions of all time. It has helped in many ways and the applications of transformers are very vast. 

If you are looking for a transformer manufacturers in Hyderabad to buy a transformer that is very safe and highly reliable, then try an isolation transformer. 

Isolation Transformer

A normal transformer is used to increase or decrease the voltage for the purpose of distribution of power. On the other hand, an isolation transformer does not increase or decrease the voltage, it will just break the circuit into primary and secondary circuits. 

Isolation transformers are majorly used in the places where AC power supply is available. It will also block the transmission of DC power supply and it also isolates the device from the power supply for safety. 

If you are looking for a transformer making company in India to buy an isolation transformer, then undoubtedly you can choose Vajra Transpower Pvt. Ltd. It is a popular isolation transformer manufacturer in Hyderabad, and it is also one of the leading transformer manufacturing industries in Hyderabad. 

Benefits of Isolation Transformer

Isolation transformers have many benefits and they are used for many purposes. Let’s see some of the major benefits of an isolation transformer. 

  • In an isolation transformer, the winding ratio will be in 1:1 ratio, and that also separates both primary and secondary windings. 
  • Isolation transformers provide isolation from the direct current, it means that it is used in various intervals to separate direct current. 
  • This transformer is very useful to prevent the risk of electric shocks and other severe problems. It will help to protect the devices and also to the people working around the transformer. 
  • Ordinary transformers make noise or sound, but isolation transformers reduce the noise. 

These are the top benefits provided by an isolation transformer. 

So, if you want to buy an isolation transformer, and want an electrical transformer manufacturer in Hyderabad, then choose Vajra Transpower. We are the leading transformer manufacturer in Hyderabad, and we are also one of the popular transformer making companies in India. 

You can visit Vajra Transformer which is the  solar power transformer manufacturer in Hyderabad to buy the best, reliable, and durable isolation transformer. We use the latest and advanced technology in every aspect to manufacture high quality transformers. 

Contact: 91216 85111

Email: sales@vajratranspower.com

Website: http://www.vajratranspower.com

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