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Xanax bars are rectangular alprazolam pills which weigh usually 2 milligrams. Brand-name Xanax bars are white. Generic alprazolam bars are typically yellow, green, or blue. Unlike other Xanax bars, blue Xanax bars weigh 1 milligram.

One dose of Xanax can last anywhere from 31 hours to 134.5 hours (5.6 days) in the body, depending on factors related to the individual who took it. However, the calming, relaxing, and sedative effects of Xanax usually wear off within about eight to twelve hours.


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Will 10 year old Xanax still work?

Xanax may still be potent and safe after its expiration date, but it's not guaranteed. Some drugs, such as certain antibiotics, can actually be dangerous if taken after their expiration date, but Xanax isn't one of those.


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  1. Most expired pills and tablets are not harmful to your health as long as they are stored in a cool, dry place. Expired gel capsules must be used with a great deal of caution because they are sensitive to heat and humidity.


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