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Some Common Sage 50 Installation Errors with Solutions

Johny Wiser
Some Common Sage 50 Installation Errors with Solutions

Sage is one among the foremost suggested business accounting software and sometimes needs updates or the most recent installation of the product.

But also during any new update, there are some crashes and errors. These errors can come due to different reasons. Let's find out some of the most common Sage 50 installation errors and ways to rectify them.

Error 1618 in Sage 50

But, users are usually zapped by unexpected Sage Error 1618 whereas installing or updating Sage. Sage Error is caused by the misconfigured system files within the Windows OS. It happens once the user makes an attempt to put in or remove Sage that is followed by an error message: “Another Installation Already in Progress”.

  • First of all, please wait a couple of moments before running the installation once more. permit enough time for any background installation processes to finish.
  • If you are still obtaining the 1618 error, please reboot your machine within the 1st instance. This can sometimes be enough to resolve the problem in most instances, however, if you've got an avid server, please ask your native IT before rebooting.

Error 1628 in Sage 50

When users are trying to install or update the Sage 50 software they can confront Sage 50 error 1628 which states “Failed to complete script based install or Failed to complete the installation”. This error is basically due to installing sage software when another installation is in progress or by clicking the install button twice.

Just wait for a while and this error may be solved. But if it can’t be solved then the user can follow the steps below.

  • Rename the InstallShield folder in:
    • 32 bit: C:\Program Files\Common Files
    • 64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
  • Press the Windows key + R, enter %temp% then click OK.
  • Delete the contents of the temporary folder.

Error 1605 in Sage 50

When a sage user tries to install Sage 50 Forecasting but due to some odd reasons end up with an Sage 50 error 1605 message stating “Failed to complete Sage 50 Forecasting”.

These errors are one of the most common because they can pop up due to some double click on the install button. Or UAC is set to not notify and antivirus is also uninstalled.

For easy rectification of this error, users can wait to let the first install finish. And reboot the system then start a fresh new install.

Johny Wiser
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