AI Products 

The Photo Desk Calendar for the Home & Office

Sands of Time
The Photo Desk Calendar for the Home & Office

If you are looking custom wall calendars in hd colors then choose Sands of time calendar printing agency. The ultimate feature of the photo desk calendar is that it can be totally customized using your favourite photographs, or those of the recipient if you are buying one as a gift. Choose a photo and write a title for the cover of the personalized photo calendar and then add a image for each month and a caption to complement it. If you run a small business then you can print photographs that relate to the business or office and give them to all the associates of your team and even hand them out as brand-named gifts to your customers.



We offers:


Wall Calendars

Desk Calendars

Mousepad Calendars

Australian Calendars

International Calendars

Photo Calendars

Business Calendars



Contact us:

Address: 6 Rural Pl, Doreen, Melbourne, VIC 3754, Australia

Email: contact@sandsoftime.com.au

Telephone: 0397172780

Website: https://sandsoftime.com.au/photo-calendars/

Sands of Time
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