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Which yoga is best for flexibility?

Candy Moore
Which yoga is best for flexibility?

Butterfly Pose

Effect: On the physiological level, this posture decompresses the spine, stretches hip adductors, and opens the fascia that connects the sacrum and back of the neck. On the spiritual level, it works with liver meridians, helps release anger and resentment.

Start in a seated position, put your soles together, and place your heels about 20 from your pelvis. On the exhale, move forehead towards feet, round the spine, place your hands in front of your feet, and relax into the pose. You can also prop yourself with a yoga block under your forehead if you can’t reach your feet with it. Hold the position for 3-5 minutes. Come out of the pose slowly and take a few minutes to incorporate the effect of it before you move to another asana.

Sleeping Swan

Effect: Good to open hips; this pose gives an effective stretch for the quads and hip flexors. It helps to stimulate energy channels associated with the quads and hip flexors.

Start from downward facing dog. Lift the right leg up and bring it forward, bend the leg and place the knee on the mat so that it touches the wrist of the right hand. Ensure the left leg is just behind your left hip. If you’ve got space under your right glute – use a blanket or a small towel to fill in that space. Use a cushion or bolster to fold forward on it if you can’t reach the floor. Completely relax into the pose and concentrate on your sensations. Then repeat on the other side.

Visit here to see more basic yoga postures you can practice for flexibility.

Candy Moore
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