Kanak Metal & Alloys is an Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Heavy Wall Thickness Pipe manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Heavy Wall Thickness Pipe is steel that’s alloyed with a variety of elements in total amounts between 1.0% and 500th by weight to boost its mechanical properties.
Source: Heavy Wall Thickness Pipe manufacturer
Website: Kanak Metal & Alloys
+91 22-66393788, +91 22-66363360

Kanak Metal & Alloys is an Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Heavy Wall Thickness Pipe manufacturer and supplier in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.Source: https://kanakmetals.com/heavy-wall-thickness-pipe-manufacturer/ +91 22-66393788, +91 22-66363360 info@kanakmetals.com

When that project involves any type of piping, someone will have to make a decision between welded and seamless pipes.
That decision is not always a straightforward as it appears.For example, there are many regulations regarding the use of welded pipes.
This based on the materials traveling through the pipe and the pressure those materials will travel under.
Despite improvements in welding technology, a welded pipe can handle a maximum pressure 20% less than that of a seamless pipe.
A seamless pipe does not require any weld integrity testing and, in most cases, a heat treatment.
Meanwhile, a welded pipe cannot take the place of a seamless pipe due to strong regulations.