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Why Print Marketing Still Works for Business Growth

Stone Glass
Why Print Marketing Still Works for Business Growth

When building a marketing strategy making sure that your business is covering all of its bases is crucial to success.  And while some may think that because of the prevalence of the internet in our modern lives that digital marketing is the only way to reach potential customers, and while no one can deny the importance of digital marketing to success, print marketing is still a viable and far reaching strategy for businesses to remember.

Print Is Physical

One of the most successful aspects of print marketing is that it is a physical object that your customers can hold in their hands.  When you pick something up and look at it, it is more easily stored in the memory than something that is seen in a fleeting moment on a computer screen.  When it comes to something like direct mail the fact that a customer can hold the mailer in their hand creates an emotional connection, and since everyone likes receiving a great looking postcard it's very likely to be seen and looked at quickly when being pulled out of the mailbox.  Physical objects also obviously last much longer than a simple email or ad on social media.  It is possible that your potential customer will set down your postcard or flyer and read it much later on which leaves the possibility for a long impact.

Print Can Be Personalized

Personalizing an offer to a customer is a great way to ensure that they see and read your print marketing material.  Through a process called variable data printing print marketing can be customized to have unique names, offers or more on each individual piece.  Research has shown that people are more likely to read something that has their name on it, rather than a generic identifier, and it goes without saying that someone being more likely to read your marketing materials is someone who is more likely to be converted into a customer.
Print Marketing may be a more traditional form of business marketing, but traditional doesn't mean that it's outdated.  Using print marketing is key to any business's marketing strategy, and in combination with digital marketing methods will lead to success as they both compliment each other to form a total package.  Choosing a reliable print marketing company will also be important, as the best will handle everything from graphic design, to labeling and shipping.
Stone Glass
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