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Types of NA Medallions You Can Buy Online

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Types of NA Medallions You Can Buy Online

NA medallion coins started from the alcoholics' anonymous program. It was a program for persons who were suffering from alcohol addictions. The program focused on helping individuals get rid of the addiction and live prosperous life. 

The narcotics anonymous program was a spin-off of the AA program. It focused on helping people with narcotics addictions like drugs and other substances. NA medallions are provided as a symbol of appreciation to people who have successfully defeated narcotics addiction.

There are different types of custom NA medallions. Here you’ll be introduced to some of them.

Tri-Plated Fancy NA medallions

These are some of the unique types of NA medallions. The medallions are created from gold, silver, and other fancy substances. Moreover, they are covered with enamel resin to provide a long-lasting shine to them.

It is easier to find 10 year NA medallions in this category than any other. Most people like to give custom orders and create bespoke NA medallions to give out.

NA Bronze Medallions

Bronze medallions have a unique charm to them. These medallions are given to people who have provided services for up to fifty years in the NA society.

The NA society was created in the 1970s; hence there are many people worthy of this medallion. Bronze medallions are created from pure bronze, and they are decorated with motivational slogans. Such slogans are really helpful to motivate group members and act as a reward for their services.

NA Engraved Coins

Engraved coins are usually given to people on their NA anniversaries. These were the dates when the person joined the NA society. Engraved coins are created from different materials, but they all have engravings on them.

Some 10 year NA medallions have slogans on them and even the names of the member.

Custom NA Medallions

Custom NA medallions are pretty popular nowadays. These types of medallions are customized as per the requirements.

Everything on the medallion can be customized, from the material to the looks and even slogans and other design effects. If you are looking to give a personalized medallion, you should definitely give this. It will become a dearer gift to the society member. Also, he will feel more inclusive and happy.

There are multiple NA medallion types you can buy online. But whenever you buy online, make sure that you research certain things. Never buy an NA medallion just from its pictures. Try to search for reviews if you want to provide the best gift article to your society member.

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