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Shaktiman Combine Harvester in India has Better Traits

diksha gupta
Shaktiman Combine Harvester in India has Better Traits

Shaktimaan's objective is to produce and supply technologically innovative Agricultural implements across the globe with precision, the best quality backed by perfect service.

On TractorJunction, you obtain detailed information about Shaktiman paddy harvester, Shaktiman paddy harvester Price, Shaktiman harvester, Shaktiman combines harvester, Shaktiman harvester price and Sugarcane harvester price in Maharashtra. 

We take the products of Shaktiman to describe it:-

Shaktiman Paddy Master 3776

Shaktiman 3776 Paddy Master is the solution to all your complex problems; Paddy Harvester is the most cost-effective harvester for paddy crops.

The Shaktiman Paddy Master 3776 provides the best features and specifications:-

  • This Shaktiman implement provides the paddy crop master, and it is the best crop. 
  • Fuel tank capacity 110 ltr and cutter bar width - 2185, which is effective for the fieldwork. 
  • Shaktiman Paddy Master 3776 machine offers the cleaning capacity of Upper Sieve Area 1375 sq. mt.  
  • The 2200 engine rated RPM is provided by the Shaktiman harvested machine. 
  • Shaktiman offers a solid and long reel design in Paddy Master 3776 machine. 
  • Low fuel consumption trait that makes this harvester impeccable. 
  • Combine Harvester price in India is very affordable for Indian farmers because Shaktiman Rice Harvester price fits easily in the budget of every farmer.

Shaktiman Sugarcane Harvester

  • The curved profile of the engine casing behind the operator enables a better rearview to align the driver with the infielder or turn.
  • Efficient air conditioning, highly comfortable for the operator resulting in greater productivity
  • Removes dirt, mud, etc., impurities from the cane before pouring it into the container. This dynamically balanced fan assembly ensures sugar factories clean cane resulting in higher recovery.
  • Shaktiman Sugarcane Harvester has a standard feature that ensures that the harvester takes cane only from the target row and removes the cane from the adjacent row to avoid choking.
  • It has 16.9 x 28 inch sized rear tires, which provide maximum power and less soil compaction to facilitate working in challenging conditions.

For more information regarding Shaktiman implements, stay tuned with us. 

diksha gupta
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