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Tata Truck In India - Durable And Powerful Features

Bhavesh sharma
Tata Truck In India - Durable And Powerful Features

Tata truck is one of the most potent trucks in India. These trucks come from the tata company with highly modern mobility solutions and offer the most outstanding performance to the business owners. The fuel mileage of these trucks is very high, along with the excellent working efficiency. That is the reason behind their popularity in the market of lorries. Tata truck models come under the heavy-duty category and work for the construction field.

For your business, if you want to buy a truck that can help you in your business operations, you can go with a tata trucks. These trucks have extraordinary performance and greater comfort, so the drivers efficiently drive them without interruption and stoppage for an extended period. The Indian customers always want a truck among these trucks for their operations due to their complex working capabilities.

Tata Intra V10 

The Tata Intra V10 comes with an ergonomic design that ensures complete comfort to the driver and an all-new DI engine that provides best-in-class fuel efficiency. A V10 has a  BS-VI compliant DI engine that generates 33 kW of power and 110 Nm of torque with the best gradeability of 43 per cent. In addition, it comes with an Eco Switch and a Gear Shift Advisor (GSA), which ensures that the buyers get sufficient in class fuel efficiency. Moreover, Tata Intra v 10 comes at affordable prices. Tata Intra V10 price ranges between 6.32 lakh* to 6.52 lakh*.

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Bhavesh sharma
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