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What causes unhappiness in a marriage?

somiya wake
What causes unhappiness in a marriage?

According to the American Psychological Association, about 40 percent of marriages end up in divorce. Though every couple and their relationship is unique, yet there are some common causes for unhappiness and dissatisfaction in a marriage that remain similar across the board: Know reasons for an unhappy marriage

1. Communication
2. Changed behaviour
3. Sexual Dissatisfaction
4. Infidelity
5. Adjustment with Family
6. Control
7. Personality Clashes
8. Finances

Tip: People who are facing difficulties in married life and suffering from mental health issues due to any reason can take online marriage therapy from well-qualified marriage counselors. Online marriage counseling provides a confidential environment for people to share their problems with the counselors and get a better solution to resolve difficulties in unhappiness in a marriage.


somiya wake
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