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What is Retargeting in Marketing 2021?

What is Retargeting in Marketing 2021?

97% of website visitors who visits your website for the first time leave without buying anything from your site. Retargeting ads helps you to convert those visitors.

Retargeting in marketing helps you to target your website visitors of your company’s products or services after they leave your website without buying. After visiting specific pages in your company website, it allows you to retarget them and show your website visitors relevant visual or text ads of your product or services when they visit other websites with the help of a cookie.

Retargeting boost visibility for your brand, allowing you to reach your website visitors that has already expressed interest in your products or services. 

How can you perform Retargeting Campaign?

Retargeting campaigns could be performed with the help of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Bing ads and other retargeting advertising platforms.

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