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Recommendations, maintenance and use of a compressor

Recommendations, maintenance and use of a compressor

Compressors are tools that allow different uses and perform both domestic and professional tasks, because different accessories can be attached to them. Here you can find a series of tips for its use and maintenance

In general, compressors are used for nailing, stapling, blowing, painting, inflating, sanding and chiselling, among other functions. Depending on the type of compressor, its uses are divided into:

Car air compressor

Bicycle and car tire inflator, as well as inflatable games or balls.

Stationary air compressor

  • Airbrush
  • Paint gun
  • Nailer
  • Rectifier
  • Inflator

Industrial air compressor

  • Airbrush
  • Paint gun
  • Nailer
  • Rectifier
  • Inflator
  • Hammer
  • Sander
  • Drill
  • Emery
uses of a compressor


uses of a compressor - red compressor

Use tips

    • They are tools to which the pressure and power can be varied, so you should always check before use, what is the state of the machine.

    • Check all the levels of the compressor - especially the oil level - before using it.

    • Confirm that the pond is empty, depending on the type of work you will be doing.

    • If you detect any strange noises, variations in revolutions or pressure, flow obstructions or general faults, check the manual.

  • If the compressor does not turn on, consult a manufacturer's technical service.

Security advice

  • Always work in rooms where there is air circulation, since the compressors work under this concept. The absence or obstruction of air can damage the machine.
  • Never cover the compressor with any element during its operation, both for the air requirement and to observe its operation. It is essential to check that the pressure indicating elements are always visible on the compressor.
  • If you are going to use the compressor for painting or blowing jobs, wear the appropriate clothing, rubber gloves, and eye safety glasses.
  • Check if the compressor is in the correct voltage position, depending on the power system you have in the place you use it.
  • The power supply mode must be direct. Do not connect the compressor to multiple outlets.
  • The compressor is not a toy, so any sudden movements can cause you to lose control of the tool and cause injury.


Maintenance tips for compressors

  • The compressors work with oil and air filters, which must be checked periodically, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Consult the user manual if you have any questions about the status of additional elements.
  • The compressor accumulator tank must be cleaned every time a job is completed. This also applies to all additional items to the job.
  • Check that there is no type of air leak.
  • For the additional elements of the compressors, such as guns and hoses, always check their condition.
  • The compressor must always be on horizontal surfaces during work.
  • Check the condition of safety valves, pressure switches and drive belts during each use.
  • Industrial Air Compressor are Available you can also check it out here.
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