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Amit Singh

One of the most irritating thoughts before going to a gathering is about a gift or an acknowledgment or a present..it is a task to come up with a good idea, what should be taken along is nothing short of a worry for people(going empty-handed feel so weird..it’s basically not an option)..so getting something stuck in your mind and pondering it all over will definitely not help you out..especially when it is a happy occasion. So, what kind of gifts are the ones that are liked by all?


  1. Clothes; Clothes are something that is liked by everyone..be it a teenager or an adult. Moreover, clothes are a very useful present..so, if you are well aware of the size and style of the person you are gifting, clothes would be a very good option..be it any occasion.
  2. Something from the archives: Giving something to your loved ones that hold a special memory for you and them, would be the best gift. It can be a beautiful compilation of photographs or some handwritten notes or a reminder of some fond memories..it would surely be something your loved ones can cherish and sustain throughout their lives.
  3. Something they have been wanting: As you know your loved ones, you would obviously know that they would have something on their to-do or to-buy list..so gifting them the exact thing would make them happy as firstly, it would be something that they can immediately use and also, they will know that you are careful and considerate enough to note that you know what they require. For example, any gadget, a bag or makeup,etc.
  4.  A pet: You can give a cute little pet to your loved ones..usually, people enjoy keeping pets as they are great companions. So, you can give them a pup or a kitten, a hamster, etc.
  5.  An interesting book/ Subscriptions: You can surely gift a book to a person who loves reading..and that too, a book that might prove to be useful for them. But if your loved one is not much of a reader, you can offer them a subscription to various OTT platforms that they like.. mostly, people love watching movies/ shows on these platforms.
  6. Luxury items: Luxury items like branded watches, bags, perfumes, etc make an excellent gift because these things are liked by almost everyone. These items cannot be affordable for everyone, so it can be gifted once in a while as usual, people do not have the whole collection.
  7. A gift card: You can present your loved ones with a gift card of any brand..that allows them to purchase stuff of that particular brand. For example, brands like Zara, Forever 21, etc offer gift cards of different amounts.
  8.  Vintage games: Games make an incredible gift especially for those who are vintage game enthusiasts like Mario, Nintendo, etc. 

These gifts are definitely worth gifting but for an amazing addition to it, you can most definitely use editwishes.com that can make you a card in very different and beautiful ways. The best part is that it is absolutely free and you can give those cards a personal touch as well!

Amit Singh
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